Connor Bedard Offers First Full Look in Chicago Blackhawks Uniform


Cleveland Guardians v Chicago Cubs
Cleveland Guardians v Chicago Cubs / Nuccio DiNuzzo/GettyImages

Since May 8th it feels like a Connor Bedard whirlwind has not only swept through Chicago, but the entire world. The Chicago Blackhawks are a global brand in part thanks to their 2010-2015 dynasty (3 cups in those 6 seasons) as well as their roster of interntaional stars (like Marian Hossa and Niklas Hjalmarsson). This foundation, already in place, will no doubt take notice of what social media has laid out today.

Now with Connor Bedard, one of the most celebrated junior players ever, the Blackhawks along with the entire NHL are firmly on the hype train. I've heard pundits even say he could get 100pts as a rookie (which I in no way expect or think will transpire). While this is all fun to rumorize and postulate about... the fact that I got to see Bedard in full Blackhawks regalia today was just awesome.

To be just a fan again, get excited just at a tiny 14 second hype video has me and the rest of Blackhawks fans around the world in an absolute perma-grin for the rest of the weekend (or at least until October).

If you haven't seen it yet, here it is curtosy of Sherwood Hockey's instagram account.

Thank you Sherwood for this gift on Friday!